I feel like you've somehow captured something I've been feeling for several years now in attempt after attempt to return to a writing rhythm I once had.
I'm exhausted by social aspects of community building and trying to publish weekly (or more) because that's not where I am in life anymore. I did that in my 30s and it was awesome. Until it wasn't.
I've returned to my (almost) daily doodles on dried coffee stains with tiny thought/journalistic blurbs that I can fit into 5 minutes or less. I do them because they're my daily therapy. I do them for me, and if folks happen along and find value, I'm happy about it, but not driven by it.
I've drifted from Medium and Substack. I'll post occasionally still, but ya - what you've written - I feel like you get my soul. ;)
Thank you for the opportunity to meet you through your writing. Thank you for sharing your heart and curiousity.
I hope we'll keep in some sort of pressure-free contact!